Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Day 8

Day 7 was a prototype day.

The claw capture boulder pickup system was apparently decided not to be used, and was turned into the subteam that will be creating the climbing mechanism to help our robot scale the tower. They created a mechanism in no time to test this challenge.

Drive base team tested wheel type and placement on a mockup rock wall that a kind team member's family decided to create. They also tested how robots will be approaching this tough obstacle by using robots we currently maintain, and pushing them over.

(Apparently blogger will not let me add pictures right now... Sorry, more later)

The roller intake system worked on the pros and flaws of the system, re-changing and rebuilding and working out the kinks. Seems that size is something all subteams are thinking about hard if we are to pull off a robot that can sneak under that low bar.

Once again...