On August 26-28 the Robototes attended the Bellevue Arts Fair! With almost 300,000 attendees across 3 days, the fair features artists from across the country. We got to be part of the KidsFair and premiered our Artbots. Using LEGO Mindstorms and some markers, kids got to make creative art work by driving the robots around. Of course we couldn’t forget Raven, our 2019 competition robot! Kids had lots of fun watching her drive around and playing catch with her.
Throughout the fair we also got the opportunity to promote FIRST and inform parents about all the programs available to younger kids! This was especially exciting because many parents had previously thought only high schoolers could be on a robotics team.
Thanks BAM for hosting such a great event and allowing us to attend! This event was a ton of fun and we hope to be back next year!